Child Specialist in dwarka

28 April 2023

Life can sometimes be very unfair. Even at a young age, there is no guarantee that everything will be normal in your life. A similar situation arose for a 48-year-old woman. She had suffered severe tooth damage, and the people around often mistook her for being 65-70 years of age. That made her listen to some rather rude comments, which were hard to endure.

Unable to bear the taunts any longer, she contacted Smritiraj Dentistry. They understood her concern and took up the case as a huge challenge. As a considerable number of teeth were damaged or missing, Dr. Raj advised her for a full mouth implant.

The first step to do so was taking out all her existing teeth or whatever was left of them. Then he worked on creating the perfect denture implants for her. After assessment through digital imaging systems, he was able to gauge the color and shape of the teeth.

The implant surgery comprised of accessing the bone by making an incision in the gum area. This was followed by implanting the immediate loading posts into the bone. The patient was now advised to come after a few days.

In the next appointment, the implants were well integrated with bone. Now Dr. Raj mounted the full dentures over the implants installed. The result was amazing, and the woman could not believe her luck. She was impressed with the final result and could not thank Dr. Raj enough. She returned with a warm smile as now no one could comment on her looks.

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