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18 Feb 2023

Dental problems and tooth diseases are common concerns for many people, and it's important to address them to maintain good oral health. A healthy mouth is essential for speaking, eating, and smiling. Problems like tooth decay, gum disease, and sensitivity can cause discomfort and potentially lead to further complications if left untreated. Visit the top Delhi best dentist right away.

Common Dental Problems and Tooth Diseases

Tooth decay: Also known as cavities, this is the most common dental problem and occurs when bacteria in the mouth produce acids that attack and break down the enamel on teeth.

Gum disease:Inflammation and infection of the gums can eventually lead to tooth loss.

Sensitivity:Pain or discomfort experienced when consuming hot or cold foods and drinks or when exposed to cold air.

Tooth wear: Worn down teeth caused by grinding, clenching, or acid erosion.

Tooth damage: Cracks, chips, or breakages in teeth, often caused by trauma or biting on hard objects.

Stained or discoloured teeth: Changes in the colour or appearance of teeth, often caused by food and drinks, smoking, or certain medical conditions.

Malocclusion:Also known as a bad bite, this refers to the misalignment of the jaws and teeth.

Abscesses: Pus-filled pockets that form at the end of a tooth or in the gums, often due to infection.

Dry mouth: A lack of saliva can lead to increased tooth decay and gum disease.

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD): Pain and discomfort in the jaw joint and surrounding muscles, often caused by clenching or grinding the teeth.

In conclusion

Dental problems and tooth diseases are common and can range from sensitivity to gum disease, and it is important to address them to maintain good oral health. With the presence of many highly qualified and experienced dentists and dental clinics in Delhi, individuals can receive the care they need to keep their smiles healthy and bright. Regular dental check-ups at Delhi best dentist, proper oral hygiene, and a healthy diet can help prevent many dental problems, and prompt treatment can help reduce the risk of further complications. You can enjoy a healthy and confident smile for years by taking care of your oral health.

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